Castlemaine Town Hall, 25 Lyttleton Street, Castlemaine

Castlemaine Millennium Chorus and Band, Archie Roach, Shane Howard, Lamine Sonko & other feature artists. Gurrong is a choral exploration of 250 years of immigration; a taste of the boundless ideas, aspirations, stories and music, compassion and welcome that infuse this ancient land. Designed and directed by Jane Thompson and James Rigby for Boite Millennium Chorus concert in 2014, these amazing local song meisters will present Gurrong with the Castlemaine chapter of the Melbourne Millennium Chorus including over 80 voices. Complemented by an outstanding band and a suite of other feature artists, this performance will move and inspire all who see it.

$30 / $25

Goanna Arts acknowledges that we live and work on Aboriginal country. We honour and respect the Aboriginal ancestors who lived and loved in this country for tens of thousands of years. Every effort is made to be mindful and respectful of Aboriginal historical and contemporary realities, where we are based and where we travel.  

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